I have been thinking about habits and how they relate to reaching goals. 

In the book Atomic Habits, the author, James Clear, talks about not making big, long-term goals, but rather changing small habits. Clear also mentions that you are what you repetitively do. 

Going back a little further, there was a study done in the 1950s by Dr. Maltz, who said it took 21 days to form a new habit. Some more recent studies say 66 days and, others say that it takes 18-250 days! Regardless of how long it takes, I will give it a shot this year. 

I’ve begun by writing down my good habits (the ones I want to keep) and my bad habits (the ones I want to make adjustments to). The framework that I am using is a three-step process: 

  • Deciding what I care about 
  • Creating a goal that is related to what I care about 
  • Developing new (or breaking old) habits that help me get to that goal 

Life is good.
