I’ve been thinking a lot about a quote by John Lennon – “Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.” 

Let’s just take a look at the part that says everything will be okay. 

When my brain starts going to unhealthy places, I go to the second part of this quote… everything will be okay. And even if I have to say it over and over again, I do it. Because eventually, it helps me stop thinking about the crazy and unhealthy stuff. 

“In the end” is a very important part of that sentence to me as well. Because the reality is, in the end, this current situation will be a small thing when stacked up against a life well-lived. 

And, in the end, we all will die. Which, I guess might be the ultimate in forward thinking. 

I just plan and believe that my “end” won’t come for another 40 years or so. If you’re doing the math, yes, that would make me 100 years old. 

I choose to focus now on living my best life. So, in the end, I can look back, smile and say “well done.” I hope you will do the same. 

Life is still good.


Jeff Russell